Computer Safety
Protecting yourself online is becoming more difficult everyday and can be more than just avoiding financial losses. All your data, photos and personal contact lists could be at risk from hackers.
Many people are not aware of the risks when surfing the web. However, there are many simple steps to better protect your personal and financial information online.
By taking a few precautionary steps with your devices and accounts when online, you can protect your online information.
Click here to Australian Cybersecurity Website - Individuals and Families for more information and resources.
Here are some tips for staying safe online:
Do not open suspicious text messages, pop-up windows or emails
Be wary of any emails or requests on social media from people you do not know
Avoid sending money, personal or financial details to someone you have never met in person, especially if you are dating online
AND REMEMBER - if in doubt, DON'T
Think you're scam savvy? Take the quiz and find out here
For more information on common types of scams, tips on how to identify, avoid or report them, visit

7th April 2021 Publication from the Australian Cybersecurity Centre website