Customised Training
Customised Training / Professional Development
Keysborough Learning Centre courses can be tailored to the unique requirements of any groups, such as learners with disability, job seekers or people wanting to retrain. The courses are modularised and can be mixed and matched from a selection of existing topics to meet the training needs of various cohorts, such as CALD students, or learners with employability skills deficit, hard-to-place job seekers in need of specified training.
Customised to individual needs, Keysborough Learning Centre short courses specialise in induction and entry level work readiness in growing employment sectors:
Industry specific Work Place Health and Safety (Factory, warehousing, food processing, hospitality, cleaning, aged care, health and community services)
Workplace specific LLN skills (Factory, warehousing, food processing, hospitality, cleaning, aged care, health and community services)
Employability Skills – tailor made to suit cohort
If you would like us to develop a new course for your particular group, or want us to deliver a KLC course off-site on your premises, please call the Keysborough Learning Centre on (03) 9798 7005 or send us an email to with the subject line: Customised Training.
Phone: (03) 9798 7005 for more information.